Friday, November 21, 2008

Ryan Quotes

Infamous Quotes from Ryan Readinger
(im not kidding, actually siad each of these)
(they are listed in chronological order)
(all in complete seriousness)

"i like xbox, mostly xbox live, never the wii, I HATE THE WII!"
"Why can't you see that you are my child!"
"who are you and what do you want with my trousers!?!?!"
"don't you ever touch my touch my fore head agian!!!"
"I suppose now would be a good time to go to the rest room!"
"are you trying to tell me that a watermelon is a fruit!!!!!
"you can't kill me, im already dead!"
"i would dance with you, IF YOU WERENT SO UGLY!!!!" (directed at chad)
"Pass me that juicey juice, im bout to do something craaaaAAAaaazy!"
"Get out of my mothers car!!!!!"
"hole in 6! thats a new record!!!!"
"you'll never get away with this!!"